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Nitrogen Management - What's New?

Nitrogen is under the microscope! From rates to stabilizers to emissions, WheatPete talks the latest nitrogen management strategies to maintain production, increase profits, and still protect the environment.

*** This presentation is an OSCIA recognized Knowledge Sharing Event for Ontario On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF) applicants. Please refer to OSCIA's website for information about the applicable program categories.

Peter Johnson, @WheatPete, is the resident agronomist with Real Agriculture, where he posts a weekly podcast “Wheat Pete’s Word”. He is a regular on “Agronomy Monday” on Real Ag radio, Siruis Satellite Radio 147. Peter spent 30 years as the Ontario Cereal Specialist, and loves to talk anything agriculture, especially wheat! He leads the Middlesex Soil and Crop Improvement Association’s applied research program, is the Environmental Advocate for the Land Improvement Contractors of Ontario, and is a member of the Ontario Compaction Team. Peter operates a small farm near Lucan, Ontario, where he constantly tries out new production ideas, and where the “rubber hits the road”! He is enthusiastic and passionate about agriculture, and loves to be challenged by growers. So “have at him”!!!

January 10, 2023 at 8:05:00 p.m.

CEU Credits Available:

One Nutrient Management credit will be available for this presentation.

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