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2024 Beef Day Presentations
Updates for the 2025 program will be made in the fall of 2024.
Adaptive Multi-Paddock Grazing and its Impacts on Soil Carbon Sequestration
Presented by: Dr. Kim Schneider, Assistant Professor, University of Guelph

Rotational grazing is often touted for its ability to increase carbon sequestration on pastures, however, little Ontario data is available to support this claim. This presentation will outline the scientific results obtained from an Ontario grazing management study obtained using data from five 'across the fence comparisons' of beef farms managed according to adaptive multi-paddock grazing principles or continuously grazed. Results found changes in soil organic carbon quantity and quality. Scientific reasoning explaining the results will be presented.

Dr. Kim Schneider is an Assistant Professor in Forage and Service crops with the Department of Plant Agriculture at the University of Guelph. Dr. Schneider has over 15 years of experience conducting research in the field of agronomy and soil science. Her research program takes a systems based approach assessing agronomic questions relating to forages, the role of forage and service crops in increasing nutrient use efficiency in agroecosystems, and the impact of pasture management on carbon sequestration. She is interested in the reintegration of crop and livestock systems, aiming to improve both economic and environmental outcomes for producers.

This presentation is CEU accredited under the Crop Management category.
This presentation is an OSCIA recognized Knowledge Sharing Event (KSE) for Ontario On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF) applicants. 
Presentation begins Wednesday January 3rd, 2024 at 9:50 am.
Year round supplementation increases calf weaning weights
Presented by: Mark Gerber, Technical Sales Specialist, Zinpro

Description coming soon!

Mark grew up on a dairy farm in Michigan before attending Michigan State University and Grand Valley State University. He worked for 13 years with a US feed manufacturing company, 3.5 years with Diamond V in Wisconsin and 22 years with Zinpro in Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, and Ontario.

Presentation begins Wednesday January 3rd, 2024 at 11:00 am.
Beef Farmers of Ontario Industry Update
Presented by: Jack Chaffe, President, Beef Farmers of Ontario

A presentation from the president of Beef Farmers of Ontario (BFO), which will highlight BFO’s efforts in 2023 on behalf of beef farmers from across the province. Jack will touch on lobby and policy work, as well as provide an update on producer and consumer engagement and market development initiatives.

Jack Chaffe lives north of Mitchell with his wife, Diane, and three sons where they operate a fifth generation farm. The family runs a feedlot that markets 2,000 head per year through the Ontario Corn Fed Beef program. Jack has a diploma in Agriculture Business Management and is involved in all aspects of the family business, from finances and herd health to the buying and selling of cattle and commodities. In addition to his role with BFO, Jack is Vice President of the Ontario Cattle Feeders' Association and represents Ontario on the Canadian Cattlemen's Association Board of Directors and on the board of the Canadian Beef Check-off Agency. Within Jack’s role on the national check-off agency, he also serves as finance chair for the Canada Beef Marketing Committee and is one of two producers who sit on this committee representing the interests of beef farmers.

Presentation begins Wednesday January 3rd, 2024 at 1:15 pm.
Market Update
Presented by: Steve Duff, Chief Economist, OMAFRA

Hear Steve discuss the current situation in the Beef and Crops markets, and their outlook for 2024.

Coming from a dairy and beef background in Northumberland county, Steve completed a Masters in Ag Economics from the University of Guelph in 1996. Steve joined OMAFRA in late 1997 and for close to 15 years, Steve was OMAFRA’s lead on business risk management programs such as AgriStability and Crop Insurance. In 2016, Steve was the recipient of the FARE Distinguished Alumni award. Steve is currently OMAFRA’s Chief Economist. Steve is an adjunct professor at the University of Guelph and farmer Vice-Chair of Farm Management Canada. Steve and his wife Robyn also operate a beef and cash crop operation near Colborne Ontario.

Presentation begins Wednesday January 3rd, 2024 at 1:45 pm.
Panel: Keeping Cows on the Ontario Landscape

This panel will discuss factors affecting the decreasing cow herd in Ontario, and how to keep cow-calf production a viable industry for the future!

Panelist: Dr. Peter Kotzeff, Producer & Veterinarian

Dr Peter Kotzeff operates a 2300-acre cash crop and grazing operation in Bruce and Grey Counties with an emphasis on integrating cattle grazing, cover crops and minimal tillage to improve soil and water quality. In the past, he annually started high risk sales barn cattle for his grazing operation. He has switched focus and is running 150 cow calf pairs on his pasture base with the emphasis on increasing grazing capacity through managed grazing and reducing feed costs by grazing cover crops and crop residue. Dr. Kotzeff received the 2014 Beef Farmers of Ontario Environmental Stewardship Award, the 2015 Beef Farmers of Ontario Grazing Award for his grazing operation and was named the 2021 Innovative Farmer of the year for his crop and grazing operation.

Panelist: Christoph Wand, Livestock Sustainability Specialist, OMAFRA

Christoph received his Bachelor of Science (Nutritional Sciences) and Master of Science (Animal Science - Ruminant Nutrition) from the University of Guelph. Christoph joined OMAFRA in 1998 as the Beef Cattle and Sheep Nutritionist. He began his most recent work assignment as Livestock Sustainability Specialist in 2014 and is based out of the Elora OMAFRA office. Christoph has served on several national and industry-led committees including the Pork Value Chain Roundtable and its Sustainability working group. He has been appointed an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Animal Biosciences recognizing his continued involvement on the University of Guelph Campus through the Ontario Agriculture College.

Panelist: Steve Duff, Chief Economist, OMAFRA

Coming from a dairy and beef background in Northumberland county, Steve completed a Masters in Ag Economics from the University of Guelph in 1996. Steve joined OMAFRA in late 1997 and for close to 15 years, Steve was OMAFRA’s lead on business risk management programs such as AgriStability and Crop Insurance. In 2016, Steve was the recipient of the FARE Distinguished Alumni award. Steve is currently OMAFRA’s Chief Economist. Steve is an adjunct professor at the University of Guelph and farmer Vice-Chair of Farm Management Canada. Steve and his wife Robyn also operate a beef and cash crop operation near Colborne Ontario.

Panelist: Robert McKinlay, Producer & BFO Producer Relations Specialist

Robert is the fifth generation on Silver Springs Farm. He and his family graze cover crops, corn stover and marginal land with their Red Angus/Simmental cow herd. They feed crop residue and utilize manure on their crop land. They diversified into bred heifers, yearling bulls and embryo recips with a branded program. They also expanded their farm into Northern Ontario to expand the cow herd.

Presentation begins Wednesday January 3rd, 2024 at 3:00 pm.
And don't forget to take a look at the list of On-Demand presentations which you can  watch throughout the conference and for the thirty days following! Use the button on the left to browse full details for those!
Check out the program for other conference days using the buttons below.
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