2024 Goat Day Presentations
Updates for the 2025 program will be made in the fall of 2024.
Digging into the Code of Practice
Presented by: Charlotte Winder, Veterinarian and Associate Professor, University of Guelph
This presentation will cover aspects of the Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Goats that were updated in the 2022 revision.
Charlotte is a practising veterinarian and epidemiologist at the University of Guelph. She teaches and conducts research in ruminant health and welfare, including sheep and goats.
Presentation begins Friday January 5th, 2024 at 10:00 am.
Pragmatic Approaches to Disease Control on Your Farm
Presented by: Dr. Rosie Busch, Sheep and Goat Extensions Veterinarian, UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine
We will discuss approaches to understanding the importance of production limiting chronic diseases on your operation and how to develop a control program for your farm that meets your goals.
Dr. Rosie Busch is a veterinarian with the UC Davis Veterinary Medicine Extension who's focus is solely on sheep and goat herd health and production. She trained at UC Davis for her Bachelor degree, DVM and large animal internal medicine residency. Her applied research program is focused on improving maternal performance and longevity and young stock survival.
Presentation begins Friday January 5th, 2024 at 11:00 am.
Ontario Goat Update
Presented by: Representative of Ontario Goat Breeder's Association (Ontario Goat) (TBD)
More Information Coming Soon!
Biography Coming Soon!
Presentation begins Friday January 5th, 2024 at 1:15 pm.
Healthy Udders and Milk Quality
Presented by: Dr. Rosie Busch, Sheep and Goat Extensions Veterinarian, UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine
Healthy udders are absolutely foundational to milk production and quality. We will learn about important features of udder anatomy and its defense systems, and how to identify the most common pathogens that infect the udder. As milk production is not only essential for the dairy farmer, meat goat producers may also find concepts in this discussion critical to goat kid performance.
Dr. Rosie Busch is a veterinarian with the UC Davis Veterinary Medicine Extension who's focus is solely on sheep and goat herd health and production. She trained at UC Davis for her Bachelor degree, DVM and large animal internal medicine residency. Her applied research program is focused on improving maternal performance and longevity and young stock survival.
Presentation begins Friday January 5th, 2024 at 1:45 pm.
Panel: Ask a Vet
Bring your questions and put these panels to the test. We have three veterinarians and an OMAFRA specialist lined up to answer all of your goat health questions!
Panelist: Charlotte Winder, Veterinarian and Associate Professor, University of Guelph
Charlotte is a practising veterinarian and epidemiologist at the University of Guelph. She teaches and conducts research in ruminant health and welfare, including sheep and goats.
Panelist: Dr. Rosie Busch, Sheep and Goat Extensions Veterinarian, UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Rosie Busch is a veterinarian with the UC Davis Veterinary Medicine Extension who's focus is solely on sheep and goat herd health and production. She trained at UC Davis for her Bachelor degree, DVM and large animal internal medicine residency. Her applied research program is focused on improving maternal performance and longevity and young stock survival.
Panelist: Chris Buschbeck, Veterinarian, Markdale Veterinary Services
Biography Coming Soon!
Facilitator: Marlene Paibomesai, Dairy Specialist, OMAFRA
Marlene Paibomesai is a Dairy Specialist with the Ontairo Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. She has a focus on sustainable production practices on dairy farms in Ontario, including dairy cattle, goat, and sheep farms.